Friday, January 18, 2013

Making Plans

Want to make God chuckle; tell him your plans. 
Want to make God beam with pride and joy, ask him for his plans and join him.
     I cannot tell you how many times over the years I’ve shared my plans with God – really good plans that I was just sure he was going to get excited about. Plans that would have helped me financially; plans that would have helped our church grow numerically; plans which would have given me opportunity to reach a lot of people with the gospel; really, really good plans that I was just sure would make God happy.
      I would often share these plans with others and ask them to pray about the plans. I believed if I got the support of others, surely that was affirmation the plans were good and God would be even more impressed. After all the work I put into my plans, it seems God isn’t always in agreement with me. Sure, there are times he seems to bless my plans, but other times he seems to ignore them. It took me a long time to believe the phrase: if you want to make God chuckle, tell him your plans.
    To that statement I would add the following, “if you want to make God beam with pride and joy, ask him for his plans and join him.” Doesn’t this make more sense?
     God does listen to our plans because he loves us; just as I listen to my children’s’ plans because I love them. Some of their plans are good and I want to give them all the support I can. Other times I can tell right away the plans are not good. And there are the times when their plan might be good, but I know the plan I have for them is better. I believe we can trust that God’s plans are always better.
     While I’m limited in how much I can look ahead and determine whether my children’s plans are good or not, God is limitless or unlimited. He can see the end from the beginning. He is the master-planner. In fact his plan for us was made before the foundation of the world and he has never let go of that plan. He also has plans for us today, and tomorrow, and next month. He will never force us to follow his plans, but he does have a journey laid out that will prove to be a blessing to us and others. Again, I believe we can trust his plan.
     “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me” (Jer. 29:11-13).
     Let’s continually seek God’s plans and join him. – Rick  

Saturday, January 12, 2013

In Love with Papa

Before our daughter Kayla was born, Cheryl and I loved her. But Cheryl loved her in a way I could not. As Kayla formed in Cheryl’s womb, Cheryl could feel life and she formed a relationship with our unborn child I was not able to form. It wasn’t until I saw Kayla’s birth and held her in my arms that I could experience relationship and love the way Cheryl had already experienced.
     And that was just the beginning. As the days progressed our love for Kayla grew and 24 years later it is still growing. The same is true for both our boys. This is the way it is with love – it grows as the relationship grows.
     The same is true of our love for God. All my life I was told the most important thing (greatest commandment) is to love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength. I tried to love God as I grew up. I constantly told him I loved him, thinking that would help. I did my best to obey (at least most of the time) because I knew the Scripture said to love God was to keep his commandments – so love was based on obedience, (or so I thought).
     I admit I struggled loving God because I was trying to love without relationship. My attempt to love was based on a sense of duty coupled with a fear of disobedience. It was frustrating and often left me feeling like a failure. I believed if I just tried harder to love God, I could get my life in order and all would be well. It was an effort of futility – until I discovered the truth that God was a Papa who loved me and wanted to be in relationship with me.
     Jesus was quite intentional in revealing God as a Father who loves us. He wanted us to see the relationship he had with his Abba (Papa or daddy), Father. Jesus’ love for his Papa was based on the relationship they shared. His Papa loved him and he loved his Papa and that love grew as they spent time together.
     Just like my love grows for my children as I spend time in relationship with them, my love for my Papa grows as I spend time in relationship with him. This time is spent reading his story about his love and faithfulness for me and for humanity and talking to him about everything and worshipping him.
     The funny thing is, as I spend time with my Papa who loves me more than I can imagine, I begin to keep his commandments because I want to. What are those commandments? Love Papa and love others. In other words, build relationship with Papa and with his children by spending time with them. I can do this. – Rick

Friday, January 4, 2013

Filthy, Messy, Unconditional Love

The two best friends were playing in the back yard sliding down a hill into a pile of mud. The boys were laughing and having a wonderful time until they slid down the hill at the same time and smashed their noses together, both noses erupting in blood.
     The parents of the two boys were sitting on the patio sharing drinks and conversation. They had just commented on how filthy the boys were getting and wondering how they were going to get the boys to the bath without getting filthy themselves. The parents were going out later that evening and were already dressed for the occasion.
     When the boys smashed their noses together and both noses erupted in blood, all four parents leapt from their chairs and rushed to the boys. By the time the boys were calmed down, all four parents were covered in mud and blood, but the boys were reassured of their parents love and compassion.
     Later that evening one of the parents compared that event with his understanding of God’s love. “All my life, I believed I had to get cleaned up before God would love me,” he said. “I was afraid to go to God because I knew my sins made me as filthy and messy as the boys were today. But I wonder if God is more concerned about his love for us than about our sins and filth.”
     His wife said, “I wondered the same thing. When I saw the boys hurt, the last thing on my mind was how filthy or bloody they were. I just wanted to love them and tell them we were there for them. I think God is like that.”
     The other mother agreed. “When the boys needed us we dropped everything and ran to them. I think that’s what Jesus was telling us with the story of the prodigal son. God runs to us in spite of our filth, in spite of our mess and he just loves us.”
     The last parent, who was listening to the other three talk about God and this event, suddenly felt his eyes well up in tears.
     “I never understood the idea about God being my Papa until I listened to you three talk. I wanted to believe he loved me, but always felt he was keeping an arms distance because of my sins. You’ve helped me understand that God loves me just as I am. Amazing how God uses our children and you guys to help me understand that he is a Father who unconditionally loves us in the midst of our filthy and messy lives.”
     God doesn't mind at all being covered in our filth and mess. He's more concerned with reassuring us of his love and compassion.