Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Bit of Respect

Teaching a Little Respect

For years the children of the neighborhood have used our back yard as a shortcut to school. It didn’t bother us too much; our only rule was they had to walk their bikes through the yard. And we tried to keep them from walking through the garden, but that didn’t always work.
     But then my grandmother decided to move to Ohio and we knew we had to make a change. The children walk right past her bedroom window and with my grandmother’s anxiety issues, we knew that was not a good idea. So we had our backyard fenced in. 
     I actually felt badly that I was taking the short-cut away from the children, so I explained the change to as many children and parents as I could. The parents understood and the children simply adapted and walked through the neighbor’s yard.  This week, though, the neighbor got his yard fenced in. With no more access through backyards, the children have to walk three more blocks to school and have to go up a hill and then down a hill.
     Again, I started to feel badly for them, but then started to think about my childhood. Not only did I walk more than a mile to school each day, sometimes it was through more than a foot of snow, uphill both ways, with shoes that were too small. (Ok, I exaggerated about the uphill both ways and the shoes.)  But you get the point.
     Are we going overboard in making things easier for children? And have we slacked off in teaching children to respect the property of others? Many fences in our neighborhood have gone up because children don’t think twice about walking through people’s yards and gardens.
     I believe one of the responsibilities we have as adults is to teach the younger generation about respecting others and respecting the property of others. Teaching respect early leads to them understanding what it means to respect God. And one of the most effective ways to teach is through modeling. May God help me set a good example.  – Rick


  1. Thanks, Rick, I thoroughly enjoyed both your material and your tale of woe. I think that you and my Dad went to the same school...

    Amusingly enough, I'm going through this same yard-breaching thing right now in my neighborhood, but with the adults. My question this week was "Where does respect for privacy end and need for ministry begin?" It's been a really good opportunity to model respect for the neighborhood kids, as well as my own, though.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What I can't understand is why you felt bad about "taking the short-cut away from the children," and why you would bother to "explain the change" at all!

    It is YOUR property, and they are KIDS who probably could use the extra exercise.

    What people need to do is quit ENABLING kids to have the sense of entitlement that they do. And, this begins with all of us adults, to set up proper boundaries for them. Obviously, their parents haven't taught them any!
